All weapon upgrades in Hyper Scape

All weapon upgrades in Hyper Scape

Each weapon in Hyper Scape has 5 main levels: base level / level 0 and four major upgrades ending at level 4. Here is the technical breakdown of each weapon's stats at each level.

Related: Magsize vs Damage: Which Upgrade Style Fits Your Playstyle in Hyper Scape?

Damage weapon upgrades

Damage weapons have a locked mag and will increase their firepower as you merge more times.

Skybreaker (Energy Cannon)

The Skybreaker is an energy weapon that can hit multiple targets and have more effect at range.

Magsize: 1


Riot One (pistol)

The Riot One is a smaller weapon, but it can still punch.

Size: 6


Protocol V (Sniper Rifle)

The Protocol is the only weapon with a large zoom range.

Size: 3


Magsize weapon upgrades

Magsize weapons will still improve their damage at level 4, but will focus on increasing the number of shots in a weapon's turn before needing to reload.

Except EPL (lance-grenades)

The Salvo EPL is a grenade launcher with a bit of bounce.


Damage: 22 (28 at 4th level)

Komodo (Blast Launcher)

The Komodo is a plasma launcher.


Damage: 22 (28 at 4th level)

D-Tap (pistol)

The D-Tap is a self-targeting automatic firing pistol.


Damage: 5 (6 at 4th level)

Ripper (assault rifle)

The Ripper is the only fully automatic assault rifle today.



Hexfire (LMG)

The Hexfire is a Gatling pistol with a huge magazine size.



Harpie (SMG)

The Harpy is the only SMG as well as the very latest weapon in the game.



Mammoth MK 1 (Shotgun)

The Mammoth MK 1 is lethal at close range as the only shotgun in the game.



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