Destiny 2 - How to Go Flawlessly in the Trials of Osiris

Destiny 2 - How to Go Flawlessly in the Trials of Osiris

With Bungie's Hotfix now rolled out, Artifact Power will officially be disabled for this season's Trials of Osiris events, which many players believe will make the seamless races to the flagship more accessible. However, Artifact mods are still on, so leveling up your Guardian is always a good idea, but the focus is now less on potency and more on team and individual player strategy. If you want to get flawless this weekend (or any weekend of the season, for that matter), you've come to the right place.

Going Flawless

Going flawlessly in practice means winning a consecutive number of runs with your team. The Worthy Season Trials require seven of those back-to-back races to get to the lighthouse. This guide lists tips that all gatekeepers who want to use Flawless should know.

1. Know how to play

While this tip seems bluntly obvious, it cannot be emphasized enough. Everyone on a Trials team needs to know how to play if they want to get flawless and make it to the lighthouse. Even Seasoned Trials veterans should check out this guide, as the rules change slightly from season to season, with Season 10 being no exception.

2. Communicate

Because Trials are a high stakes 3v3 competitive team event, it is more important than ever to maintain communication between team members during matches. If a team player doesn't have a headset, the team can download an unlimited number of apps with communication features like Discord to make sure each teammate sticks to their team strategy to be successful. Additionally, players should report everything they see to their teammates because six eyes on the other team will always see more than two. Players can't assume their teammates are seeing what they see, so call it everything from weapon changes to enemy locations to super activations, and more. If you're not sure you've seen something that will be relevant to your teammates, call it anyway. Call ALL.

3. Don't be the first to die

This is another obvious tip worth repeating as it is crucial to your team's success: do NOT allow yourself to be the first keeper to go down. It's not that hard to avoid being the first to die if you learn to stay hidden from the snipers who are just waiting to grab you, or to disengage from combat and take cover when there is a chance you will lose the first firefight. However, it is much more difficult for a team of two to recover and avoid defeat of a team of three. Know how to take cover quickly and always know your surroundings. And if you do end up dying, spectate with your ghost so you can continue to report what you see to your teammates and help them strategize and avoid elimination.

4. Stay together

There is security in the numbers, with a balance. If a team of three notices a lone wolf that has wandered away from the pack, they will go looking for that guardian first and have little trouble taking them out. Then it becomes much easier to finish all the remaining teammates. That said, don't stay close because you want your teammates to have room to execute an attack or to be able to retreat effectively at any time, and if an enemy pulls out a grenade or rocket launcher, you don't want to. that this enemy can take your whole team in one hit. It goes back to tip # 2: communicate and announce everything. Just as important as reporting the actions of your opponents is effective communication regarding proximity to your teammates.

5. Enjoy the passages

Here's the quick and easy version: Most Guardians should purchase the Mercy Passage at Saint-14 in the Tower as it grants forgiveness for a match loss in a race. This means that you can still get a flawless run if you lose a match between seven other wins. The other great option for most players is the Ferocity switch, which will add a fourth bonus payout to three straight wins. Skip the other three passages unless you and your team have dominated strong and are feeling confident, but the Confidence passage cannot be unlocked until you have become perfect anyway. Learn more about the Passages here.

6. Equip the best weapons and armor possible

The 10 best weapons used in the First Weekend Trials are here.

When it comes to armor, there are tons of great options for each character class, but if you have the chance, equip your most powerful armor with mods to boost stats that work with your personal strategy, as well. than that of your team. You should also choose an exotic piece of armor that serves your role in your team's strategy, which brings me to my next point ...

7. Develop strategies and decide on roles

Again, that ties into communication, and really all of the above advice. Before participating in the trials, each teammate must develop a role that works with the team's strategy. Is there a designated healer on the team who can stay safe and be ready to resurrect at any time? For this to work, it's not essential to stray too far away, and since Trios have unlimited revives, Guardians should always prioritize revives over kills. No one wants to be that Guardian who wants to be the hero and go for elimination before resuscitation, but ends up getting eliminated themselves.

Do each of you take a different type of energy and / or use a character from a different class? What weapons, armor, and subclasses should you equip and when should you use your Super? There is no one way or “right” way to do it, so strategize with your teammates and develop roles based on that strategy. If you find that a particular strategy isn't working for the team, take a break from testing to reassess and revise your strategy. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. If you know yours, you can find the best way to complement your teammates and vice versa.

It also allows you to pay attention to the screen before each match, as it shows you the weapons, armor, and subclasses of opposing players, which can help you strategize better if you are able to change quickly. your loads before the start of the matches. . Try to prepare your inventory for each scenario in order to be better prepared for strategic combat. Also, don't forget your Artifact mods. They add things to the game that many players may forget. Pick the mods that best suit your strategy and personal playstyle.

Alternatively, Bungie has a few of their own roles that they've created called “Lightmakers” and “Lightbreakers,” each with their own emblem. These emblems are only accessible to Guardians who have already reached the Lighthouse, as they can be accessed from the Flawless Chest.

  • Lightmaker: Equip the "Light for the Lost" emblem to aid the Guardians on their very first clean pass. Once equipped, your Flawless armor will glow white to identify you as a Guardian who can transport other players through trial matches.
  • Lightbreaker: Equip the Flawless Empyrean emblem, rack up seven wins on a pass, then keep winning matches. Once equipped, your Flawless armor will glow red to identify you as a formidable force that can hold serious streak.

Guardians who wish their Lightmaker / Lightbreaker stats tracked must have these emblems equipped while working for their respective needs. The Guardians with the highest stats in these roles will be recognized by Bungie and the community at a later date.

Final note: impeccable title

Bungie reports that the Flawless title for Trials of Osiris is not limited to the Season of the Worthy, but will be offered in future seasons as well. However, progress to the title must be made in a single season and will not carry over to future seasons. Any quests you complete in one season will need to be repeated if you want to earn the title in another.

That's what the developers mean when they say Trials is here to stay. If you don't make it to the lighthouse by the end of this season, there will be other chances. Don't sweat too hard. It's a game - so have fun, your teammates and the ride. Then come back next season and kill, Guardian.

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