WoW: Classic - The best DPS classes to choose from

WoW: Classic - The best DPS classes to choose from

When choosing a class in WoW: Classic is essential, it is best to know which class will serve the best. For those who want to do as much damage as possible, you want to specialize in giving your team the greatest hits imaginable. Only a handful of classes can truly specialize in WoW: Classic. Here are some great choices for you to choose from for those who are curious about which of the most damaging classes you can choose from.

The best DPS classes to choose from in WoW: Classic

Thief - Subtlety

Going down the Rogue Tree of Subtlety is a great option for players who want to pick and choose which fights they want to lead as part of PvP. Thieves are for those who want to wait, who are patient enough to watch when their enemy has let their guard down. When this happens, a thief can break out of stealth and quickly deal a massive amount of damage. Not only can they do this, but they can also knock out their opponent in the middle of the engagement. A stunned opponent cannot react to a Glass Cannon Thief. If the thief was smart enough to choose the engineer profession, he might have some extra stuns and damaging items that he can use.

Warrior - Weapons

Unfortunately, Warriors are a nightmare in the beginning and middle of WoW: Classic because they are incredibly boring to level. However, for players who come to the end of the game and carry great gear, they are a force to be reckoned with in any PvP fight or dungeon. While Warriors have the option of playing the role of tank, those who descend into the weapon tree will deal more damage. As long as players can make it through to the end of the game, their warrior character will be a welcome sight on their ally's team.

Warlock - Destruction or Affliction

Warlocks are a delicate class. As you embark on this path, you will come across a target that you will no longer want to see on the battlefield, but will end up as an immediate target for more experienced players. Those who leave a warlock unattended end up in the graveyard. When playing one, you want to put the majority of your points into Destruction. But you want several from the Affliction tree, like Improved Life Tap, Nightfall, and Amplify Curse. Because players are insanely fluffy, they might want all of their cooldowns ready if they have to face an opponent. For those who aren't prepared for a warlock, they don't live long.

Mage - Frost

Much like Warlock, a mage descending from the Frost Tree can destroy their opponents in seconds. Those who choose to create a mage and follow Frost's line, sprinkling a few Arcane points will deal the highest damage of any class in the game. However, the most important issue players are going to encounter when borrowing this the way is the fact that they cannot heal themselves. You rely on your allies to take care of you, protect you, and keep you safe when your abilities are on cooldown. When choosing this class, there is an apparent trade-off in doing the most damage at a party, but probably the first on their backs if you aren't observing your surroundings. A thief who takes the long road by taking you in a corner will end your day.

Priest - Shadow

While still being a notable healer for the party, a Priest may choose to take a darker path and deal a fair amount of damage. Those who prefer a priest should focus on inserting dots into the shadow class. This tree will have the most destructive and religious mage that the priest can make. Additionally, there are a handful of skills in the Discipline Tree, which Priests can use to upgrade their kits. However, none of the Holy Tree's skills will have enough to do damage properly. Unlike a mage, a priest can deal a decent amount of damage with this build, but he can also heal himself. This ability places them in the list of power levels with which they deal damage, making them a more powerful force in the field.

Hunter – Survival

Hunters won't get a lot of WoW: Classic love. While their class is great and they are good at solo leveling, they won't do as much damage. They have ideal middle ground as they can do ranged combat and melee. Their animal companion can also help them in combat, but the main objective is for the hunter to put points in survival and shooters. These two trees are essential in building an ideal and damaging PvP hunter. With the survival tree, these hunters will have a lot of chance to be critical, but will depend on the use of ammo during battles. As long as the hunter has had enough, he should be fine.

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