Free PDF books


Free PDF libraries: download

As I told you at the beginning of the tutorial, on the Web there are many Internet sites that you can refer to to get free PDF books. Here are some of the best.

Project Gutenberg

Free PDF books

Impossible to talk about free PDF books without mentioning Project Gutenberg. Haven't you ever heard of it? Then get ready to have a good feast of free books. It is, in fact, a service born from the idea of ​​the American computer scientist Michael Hart, who back in 1971 started a project to digitize literary works from all over the world to make them accessible to as many people as possible.

At present, the site hosts over 50.000 eBooks in all languages ​​that can be downloaded at no cost. The download is absolutely legal, as the works available on Project Gutenberg are no longer protected by copyright or, in any case, are freely granted to the public by the legitimate authors. It should be noted, however, that due to the limitations applied by some Internet providers, it may be necessary to use international DNS to access the site.

That said, to start browsing the contents on Project Gutenberg, go to the home page of the site, click on the item Search and Browse which is at the top and, in the new page that opens, click on the wording Browsing options to expand the related menu, then choose whether to view the available eBooks by author, by title, by language or by date of addition by clicking on the links of your interest.

You can also search for eBooks by keyword, by typing the keyword of your interest in the appropriate field next to the item Quick search e premendo sul pulsating Search. Alternatively, you can carry out an advanced search by clicking on the wording Advanced search, setting the search parameters available as you see fit and, even in this case, then pressing the button Search.

Successively, click here name of the work of your interest and, on the summary page of the same that is proposed to you, proceed with the download, by clicking on the link PDF present nella sezione Download This eBook. It should be noted that not all books are available in PDF format, some can be downloaded only in ePub, Mobi or can be viewed directly online in HTML format.

Liber Liber

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Among the cittàn sites dedicated to eBooks it certainly deserves a special mention Liber Liber, which has been operating for years thanks to the work of an ONLUS with the aim of providing free access to online culture. For this reason, it offers hundreds of free PDF books in cittàn: from the great classics of world literature to writings by contemporary authors who have consented to the distribution of their works in digital format.

To browse the list of all the eBooks available on the site, connect to the relevant home page and click on the button enters located at the top right. On the page that opens, place the mouse cursor over the menu Books which is at the top and select the item List by authors and works from the menu that appears, so you can consult the books available for download based on the names of their authors or their titles: just select one of the letters of the alphabet under the items List by author ed List for works.

As an alternative to how I indicated earlier, you can view the eBooks available by topic by selecting the menu Books which is at the top of the page and then choosing the option Topic from the latter. You can also search for the digital books of your interest by searching by keyword, by clicking on the icon of magnifying glass located at the top right and typing in the text field that appears the keywords of your interest.

Once you've done your search, click the title of the work you want to download and click on the button Free PDF placed in the section Scarica free of the page dedicated to the book.


Free PDF books

Another site where you can find dozens of free PDF books is Manybooks, which distributes public domain works in all major languages ​​of the world. The only thing to take into consideration is that to proceed with the content download, you need to register for free on the portal.

To browse the content on the site, visit its home page, click on the item Discover which is located at the top and select the genre of your interest from the menu that opens. Alternatively, you can choose the options Authors, Languages o Genres, to view the various eBooks by author, language or genre.

You can also decide to carry out a search directly, by typing the keywords of your interest in the text field at the top of the page and clicking on the magnifying glass located on the right.

Once you have found the eBook you are interested in, click on its title, award-winning free Download on the new page displayed and register your profile to use the service, indicating your name, email address and password or using your Google account. Then specify the literate genres you prefer, select the format PDF as the default for downloading eBooks and wait for the book to download.

If you made a mistake in selecting the default format for downloading books when creating your account, you can still change it later by clicking on the item My Profile that you find at the top right of the site page, by clicking on the option Edit Account from the menu that appears, selecting the format in question from the section Formats of the displayed page and pressing the button Save.

Open Library

Free PDF books

Open Library is a project of Internet Archive which has the ambitious goal of cataloging all existing books. It contains links to purchase the works still on the market in bookstores, but also allows you to download the available public domain eBooks at no cost and read them directly via the Web. It hosts works in all languages ​​of the world, including cittàn.

To be able to use it, go to its home page, click on the menu KATEGORIEN located at the top and select the item Subjects from the latter to browse the works available by genre.

As an alternative to how I indicated earlier, you can search for eBooks directly, by typing the keyword of your interest in the text field at the top right and then pressing the key Submit on the keyboard. You can also limit your search to book titles only, authors and other parameters by selecting the option you are interested in from the adjacent drop-down menu.

When you find an eBook that you think you might be interested in, click on the relevant one title and proceed with the download by selecting the link PDF che trovi in ​​corrispondenza della sezione Download Options located on the left on the page dedicated to the book that opens.

Kindle Store

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You probably weren't aware of it, but the Kindle Store di Amazon it contains, in addition to paid digital books, hundreds of titles that can be obtained without spending a cent. Obviously, to be able to download them it is essential to have an Amazon account (if you don't have one yet, you can create it by following the instructions I gave you in my guide on the subject).

That said, to get the free books available on the Amazon Kindle store, visit the appropriate section of the Amazon website, log in to your Amazon account (if necessary), locate the eBook you are interested in and click on his title.

Next, make sure the Kindle format (with price 0,00), choose the reading device (if you have one) to send the book to from the drop-down menu Send to and press pulsating Buy now with 1-Click.

Books taken from the Amazon store can be read through Kindle eReaders, Amazon Kindle applications for Android (if you use a device without the Play Store, you can instead go to alternative app markets), iOS / iPadOS, Windows and macOS and through the Kindle Cloud reader usable by the browser. Also, keep in mind that the eBooks in question are not in PDF but in Kindle format. However, once the download is complete you can still convert them and read them on other devices using ad hoc software such as Caliber.

Mondadori Store

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If you own a Kobo eBook reader, you will surely be pleased to know that on the Mondadori there is a section dedicated to eBooks at no cost.

To find out which are the free titles offered by Mondadori, visit the appropriate section of the website, locate the book of your interest, click on its cover, make sure the price is equal to 0,00€ e premium pulsating Buy eBook.

Next, click on the button Continue Shopping, then on the button Add to my books and, when prompted, log into your Kobo account (if you don't have one yet, you can create it by clicking on the link Create a Kobo account and filling out the form that is proposed to you)

After completing the above steps, you will be able to read books from your Kobo eReader, from the Kobo Books reading apps for Android (if you are using a device without the Play Store, you can turn to alternative app markets instead), iOS / iPadOS and Windows 10, or through the appropriate software for Windows and macOS. Again, the books are not downloaded in PDF but in ePub, but if you want you can convert them by reading my guide on how to transform ePub to PDF.

Other sites for free online PDF books

Free PDF books

Did none of the free PDF book portals that I have already suggested in the previous lines satisfied you? If so, I suggest you take a look at the other sites listed below.

  • - it is a site that has the noble purpose of preserving the collective memory (the same that is located behind the Open Library site I told you about earlier). To do this, it collects and makes available to the public cultural content of all kinds: films, music, video games, websites and obviously books. In its huge database you can find millions of eBooks and magazines that can be downloaded for free and in a completely legal way (as they are no longer protected by copyright or distributed in agreement with the rights holders). The contents are in various languages.
  • ZLibrary - this is another excellent site, which can count on a database of about 3 million books in different languages, including cittàn, all downloadable at no cost and in PDF format.
  • PDF Books World - as easily understood by the name itself, this is a site that allows you to access many digital books available in PDF format. The contents on the portal are nothing more than the digitized versions of books that now appear to be in the public domain and which, therefore, can be downloaded for free without the slightest problem. Note, however, that all content is in English only.
Free PDF books

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