Soul Ash in Shadowlands is mainly earned by cleaning layers in Torghast.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned is your primary source of Soul Ash in World of Warcraft Shadowlands. You will eventually level up your Adventure table mates to a point where they can be sent on Soul Ash missions, but this method is complementary to your Torghast farming. In lesser terms: you will have to erase Torghast for Soul Ash.
Of the six rooms available at Torghast, only two will be available each week. There are technically 8 layers per chamber, but as of the date of release, only the first three are unlocked. The other layers will be available in Shadowlands in the coming weeks:
Each layer will be associated with a Soul Ash reward linked to the boss located on the sixth floor. Kill the boss to clear the layer and earn the Soul Ash. It needs to be looted from the boss's corpse, but if you forget you'll find the Soul Ash waiting in your mailbox. The amount of Soul Ash gained per layer actually the higher you go up, so if you're a more casual Shadowlands player, you won't have to worry about the more difficult layers if you just want to catch a few hundred a week. . That said, there is a problem with how Soul Ash rewards work.
Initially, you will need to clear the layers to unlock subsequent layers in Torghast. If you want to complete layer 3, you need to erase layer 2 first. Once a layer is unlocked, it is unlocked in every room and will stay unlocked. Weekly resets do not re-lock a layer. Additionally, completing a layer will reward all souls in the lower layers if you haven't cleared them. You can jump straight to your highest available layer each week to collect your available Soul Ash for that chamber.
This means that once Layer 8 is unlocked on December 15th, you can start farming only Layer 8 in the two available chambers to collect all of your Soul Ashes for the week. Each bedroom has a total of 1140 Soul Ash, so if you want to save time, don't worry about Torghast, or both, you can focus on cleaning two diapers per week. You might want to recruit some help (higher level layers are hard to solo erase until you're really well equipped), but you won't have to clean 16 layers a week just to cultivate all of them. souls available.
A full list of Soul Ash rewards in Torghast per chamber is listed below: