Instagram: Create GIFs or collages of the most popular photos

2016 has just given way to 2017, but we are still in the "let's do the sums" atmosphere and want to show our friends a rundown of our most popular photos on Instagram, especially from the past year?

We can do it and in a rather simple way! We point out two practical online services that, without entering credentials and above all without registration, allow us to create a collage or GIF image of the most popular photos that we posted on Instagram. All in a few minutes and with a simplicity that is nothing short of disarming.

Let's find out what these two services are and see how to use them best!

Create collages of the most popular photos on Instagram

The first method that we recommend to create a collage of the most popular photos on Instagram is #16best16. In other words, this service will allow us to create a collage of the 16 most popular photos, published in 2016, of our Instagram profile!

If we leave the caption, the result will not be perfectly square; instead it will be untitled, which makes it perfect for sharing on Instagram and without the need for clipping!

Instagram: Create GIFs or collages of the most popular photos

Using # 16bestof16 is very simple: connect to the website of the service and, where requested, insert our Instagram username.

LINK | 16bestof16

We wait for the site to finish scanning the photos on our profile and creating the collage with our most popular photos!

Instagram: Create GIFs or collages of the most popular photos

We can download the image, complete with a title, by clicking on the “Click here to download” button; if instead we want to download the image without caption and perfectly square, therefore compatible with Instagram, click on "Hide caption" and proceed only after the download.

Create GIFs of the most popular photos on Instagram

The second method allows us to collect the our most popular photos in an animated GIF image, ready to be downloaded to our PC, smartphone or shared. The service we are about to tell you is called Instagfy and we can use it by going to the link below.

LINK | Instagfy

Again no email, no password, no registration or anything else: we simply enter our Instagram username where requested and click on “Make It”.

Instagram: Create GIFs or collages of the most popular photos

After a few seconds (which could become a few minutes if our Instagram profile is chock full of photos), an animated GIF image will be created that contains our most popular photos. Thanks to the practical buttons we can share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, get the HTML sharing code or scaricarla su PC, smartphone or tablet.

Instagram: Create GIFs or collages of the most popular photos

In short, a breeze!

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