Brawl Stars Guide - Introducing Edgar

Brawl Stars Guide - Introducing Edgar

We will start with Edgar, who not only recently debuted but has also proven himself to be a complete juggernaut if played correctly.

Class, rarity and stats (max level)

  • Type: Assassin
  • Rarity: epic
  • Health: 4200
  • Damage: 756 x 2 - Healing per punch: 189
  • Movement speed: 820 (very fast)

Moveset and gadgets

  • Attack: Fight Club - Edgar attacks twice with his sling, within melee range, dealing damage and restoring 25% of his health with each hit. The attack animation is slightly long (0,35 sec), to compensate for the very short reload times.
  • Super: Vault - Jump into the air and land where target player is. As a result, Edgar receives a movement speed boost (200 points for 2,5 seconds) and the Super recharges on its own in overtime, like Darryl's.
  • Super power 1: hard landing - The Vault Super receives a small bomb, in the form of 1000 damage when Edgars lands on the ground. It is an AOE attack, within a radius of 3 tiles around it. Also, the landing indicator changes a bit, indicating the incoming attack zone.
  • Super Power 2: Poings - Edgar's attack receives additional healing per punch, at 25% of the damage dealt. Try not to be confused by this, as it is not additive, and it just sends the already existing 25% life steal, to 31,25%.
  • Gadgets: volons - The super charging speed is 525% faster for 4 seconds. This means that the automatic charge speed per second goes from 3,3% to 17,5%. Her regular attack's Super Charge rate isn't increased, so take that into account when going into combat.

Preferred modes (special events are not included)

  • Showdown only
  • Robbery
  • Brawl Ball (depending on the card)


Edgar's entire kit screams "solo player". A lone wolf by nature, this boy with an attitude shines in maps and modes that require as little team play as possible. The latest event, the Duo Challenge, found him dominating the early stages, but Edgar's players struggled to keep their streak alive when they got to a later stage, with more thoughtful teams to deal with. . This is due to the nature of this Brawler, which as I mentioned doesn't synergize well with the other characters in the game. Being able to win a lot of matches early on was only because the teams faced, this was not particularly expected.

Having said that, don't get me wrong. Edgar is a great addition to the list and in fact my new favorite Melee Brawler. I'm all about looks when it comes to video game characters, and Edgar is as pissed off as he gets. He is indeed a proud member of the Assassin class, able to mow down his enemies in no time. Here's the catch though. It is not a direct powerhouse. He is neither El Primo nor Rosa, both of whom can hunt players with their exceptional stamina and consistent attacks. As a result, this means Edgar's playstyle is running, taking advantage of every situation and timing his Super accordingly. Its innate life cycle can reverse some fights, but it is advisable not to depend too much on it. More often than not, you'll lose a fight that you thought he could have won, when you're on low HP. Take your time, let your Super recharge on its own, regenerate your life, then jump back into the fray.

Solo Showdown is where he shines the most, alongside Heist Mode. Either way, Edgar can act independently, and in Heist mode specifically, he can even lead the team to victory. Additionally, according to the map, he is also excellent in Brawl Ball, where he can use his kit in the same way as Mortis. He can throw the ball in front of him, then use his Super to catch it quickly and take advantage of the speed boost he provides. You will reach the enemy team's objective in no time. If the map lets you do that, sure, as some of them have a lot of obstacles and walls that hinder that specific strategy.

His Supers and Gadgets aren't much to brag about, however, they do have their uses. Her gadget dramatically improves her innate super charge ratio, which you can take advantage of if you have to rush into battle, and her Super Fisticuffs extend her longevity in battles. My personal choice would be Hard Landing, as you can score extra hits while running away from the Brawlers.


New players are advised not to start with Edgar as their interlocutor, as he requires a very good knowledge of the maps of the game, to plan his vault accordingly with an escape route on hand if necessary, and brawlers in general. Being aware of the damage a Piper can do to you with her shots is essential if you want to keep this squishy teenager up and running.

This angry kid is always a new addition to the world of Brawl Stars, so he's sure to see a lot of him in the future. Stay tuned for the rest of our guides, where we'll analyze the rest of the list.

Brawl stars is free to download, on Android and iOS.

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