How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?

How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?
The command line is a very powerful tool for any Ubuntu user. It allows for example to install in seconds a program that will take several minutes to find on the graphical interface. In this tutorial, we will therefore see how to install a command line program on Ubuntu.

Installation of a program on Ubuntu via the terminal

  1. To get started, open a terminal.

    How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?

  2. Then enter the following command: sudo apt install NomDuLogiciel. For this tutorial, we will install Stellarium. The correct command is therefore sudo apt install stellarium. If in doubt about the writing, you can double-press the Tabulation key. If several software have a similar name, a list will display them. All you have to do is enter the command again with the correct software name, then validate.How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?

  3. Enter your user password to continue, then press the Enter key on the keyboard. A list of packages to download is displayed. Ubuntu is waiting for your consent to continue. Press the key "o” for Yes and then Enter.How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?

  4. Let the software install.How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?

  5. After a few seconds, the terminal returns your hand. Enter the command exit or close it using the cross at the top right of the window.How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?

  6. You can now access your new software from the applications menu.How to install a command line program on Ubuntu?

If the first times with the command line can seem difficult, you will quickly see with practice that the results are much faster than with the graphical interface. This is one of the strengths of the Ubuntu system.

To download :
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