Google Chrome 91 is available, here is the list of new features and how to download it

Google Chrome 91 is available, here is the list of new features and how to download it

Google Chrome 91 has just been put online with more new features: search in closed tabs, copy and paste files, new form controls… discover the list of all the new features in this version and how to download it. 

Credit: Unsplash

Google recently stepped up the pace of releasing new versions of Chrome. So we are now entitled to a brand new version every four weeks. The Chrome 91 version adds a lot of new features that make the browsing experience smoother. Here is an overview of what is changing.

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Tab search now shows a list of recently closed tabs

Since Chrome 87, there is a new menu on the far right of the tabs which allows you to consult the tabs open on all windows, to search among them, and to consult or close them. With Chrome 91, this menu is now divided into two sections. At the top, you can see the list of all open tabs in the browser.

At the bottom you find the list of recently closed tabs. This makes them easier to access than when you had to search for them in the browsing history. One click is enough to open them. This will save you time and make the browsing experience less frustrating, especially when you inadvertently close a window or tabs.

Of course, if you closed a tab by mistake, you can always use the key sequences Ctrl + Shift + T (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + T (Mac) to reopen it without going to any menu.

Copy and paste files is coming

Have you noticed the strange behavior of Chrome with copying and pasting files? While any application allows you to paste a file from the desktop, on Chrome, whatever the operating system, until now, it was necessary to drag and drop the files on the right tab of the sites that offer this functionality. Cannot use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V in Gmail, for example.

But that changes with Chrome 91. This will allow you to use the most popular keyboard shortcut to paste files on sites that offer it. No more clumsy drag and drop errors!

Android adopts new design of form controls

Credits: via XDA

Chrome 91 generalizes the new design of form elements co-developed with the Microsoft teams. These simple graphic elements are found on many sites. These can be progress bars, check boxes, radio buttons, or even calendar interfaces on airline websites.

Thanks to this design change, the visual experience is subtly refreshed on many sites, which should reinforce the feeling of novelty with this version.

Android: it is now possible to follow the RSS feed of websites

After having disappeared for a long time from Chrome, the RSS reader returns with Chrome 91 on Android. A new option in the menu thus offers you to “Follow” the sites that you visit often. As soon as these sites publish new content, they are displayed in the “Following” tab (at least in English) on the home page of Chrome 91 for Android, or on the page that appears when you open a new tab.

It's pretty fun to see Google resurrect RSS syndication on Android. This feature relies on a server-side element and appears to be phased in on compatible devices.

Developers should also appreciate these new features

There are also many new features in Chrome 91 for developers:

  • JavaScript Engine V8 v9.1
  • Identity sharing : Domains that share the same account management system can now be associated with Chrome Password Manager so that one password is sufficient for all these domains
  • Suggested file names and location : Web Apps can now suggest file names and locations through the File System Access API
  • Chrome OS 91 : Linux application support drops from beta

How to download Google Chrome 91

Credit: Pixabay

To download the new version of Chrome, it's very simple:

  • Android : launch the browser update via the Google Play Store
  • iPhone : launch the browser update via the App Store
  • Mac / PC / Linux : Go to them Settings> About Chrome to search for an update. If necessary, go to to download the latest version of Google Chrome

What do you think of Chrome 91? Share your feedback in the comments to this article.

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