How to post a link on Facebook

Despite the fact that you are new to the world of technology and have started using Facebook only very recently, your desire to share thoughts and material with your friends online is huge. Now, however, you have found yourself faced with a small obstacle that has blocked you: you would like to publish the link to a web page (a link, to put it in jargon) directly to your Facebook diary and you don't know how to do it.

Fear not: sharing a link on Facebook is one of the easiest things in the world… once you find out how to do it, of course! So I would say not to waste any more time and to see immediately in detail how to post a link on Facebook to report news, websites and articles to your friends. I bet that as soon as you finish reading this guide you will wonder how you did not get there by yourself!

So, what are you doing still standing there? Courage: make yourself comfortable, take all the time you need to concentrate on reading this guide and, above all, try to put into practice the instructions I am about to give you. I'm sure that, if you do, you won't have the slightest problem posting links on the most famous social network in the world (but, please don't overdo it or you will risk annoying other users). I wish you good reading and, above all, have fun!


Publish a link on Facebook from smartphones and tablets

How to post a link on Facebook

Are you going to post a link on Facebook acting from smartphone or tablet? Nothing could be simpler: after copying the link in question (by making a long tap on it and selecting the item Copy from the menu that opens), start the Facebook app on your Android or iOS device, log into your account (if necessary) and tap on the text field What are you thinking about?.

In the screen that opens, tap the text field again What are you thinking about?, hold down on it and press on the voice Paste that appears on the screen. As if by "magic", the link will be immediately pasted and you will be shown a preview of its content. Before publishing it, you can replace the address shown above with a short personal message: all you have to do is select it and type the text you want to show (eg. Look how interesting this article is!).

As soon as you are ready to do it, publish the content by pressing on the voice Share and, after selecting the option News section and / or Your Story (if you also want to publish it in a Facebook story), press the button Share now And that's it.

Using the drop-down menu immediately below your name, you can also decide the level of privacy and therefore the audience to which the link is displayed (eg. All makes the link visible to all users of the social network, Friends only to your friends).

Post a link on Facebook from your computer

How to post a link on Facebook

The procedure for post a link on Facebook from your computer it's just as simple. All you have to do is copy the URL of the web page you want to link on Facebook (i.e. the text you see in the address bar of the browser) and paste it in the box where you usually write your status update, present on the main page of the social network.

To proceed, then, access Facebook from its web version (or from its application for Windows 10), right-click on the text field Coast is [your name] thinking? and select the item Paste from the menu that opens. Within a few seconds, you will see the title of the linked web page and an image from it appear under the box for updating the status.

At this point, you can also delete the previously pasted address (just select it and press the key Canc/Backspace), replace it with a message of your choice and click the button Share to post the content in your personal diary (making sure the option is selected News section and / or The tua storia).

Using the drop-down menu located next to the item News section you can also choose the audience to view the link: All to show it to all users of the social network, Friends to show it only to friends etc.

Share a Facebook link on WhatsApp

How to post a link on Facebook

Scrolling through the Facebook news feed you came across a funny link that you want to share with your contacts WhatsApp? I guarantee you that succeeding is not complicated at all. Let me tell you how to proceed.

From the Facebook app, press the button Share (the arrow icon pointing to the right) and, if you are operating from a device Android, tap on the item Copy the link. Then open the WhatsApp app, tap on contact name (or of the group) to which you want to provide the link copied previously and make a long tap on the typing bar placed at the bottom. At this point, press on the item Paste, wait for the preview of the link to appear and then press theairplane to forward the message containing the link in question.

The procedure to be carried out on iPhone it is almost identical. After pressing the button Share located near the post whose link you want to copy, tap on the item Other options ..., presses on the voice WhatsApp (to open the famous messaging app), select the name of the person (or people) to whom you want to send the link and then presses on the items NEXT e Send, so as to forward it.

Share a link on a Facebook group

How to post a link on Facebook

Are you going to share a link on a Facebook group which are you a part of? To do this, all you have to do is copy the address of your interest, go to the group in which you want to share it and paste it in a new post (clearly it is assumed that the group administrators have given you consent to publish the link in question). Here's how you need to proceed both from mobile and from computer.

  • Smartphones and tablets - log in to your Facebook account from its app for Android or iOS, press the button (≡) at the top right (on Android) or at the bottom right (on iOS) and tap on the item Groups. Then select the tab Groups from the screen that opens, presses on group name of your interest, tap on the text field Write something…, makes a long tap on the displayed text field, presses on the item Paste and then Public (in alto to destra).
  • computer - after logging in to Facebook, click on the item Groups (on the left, in the section Explore), Click on group name of your interest, right click on the item Write something…, select the voice Paste from the context menu and presses the button Public.

For more information on how groups work on Facebook, consult the guide I linked to you. I am sure that this reading will also be useful to you.

Share a Facebook link on Instagram

How to post a link on Facebook

If you came to this guide with the intent of share a Facebook link on Instagram, I'm sorry but I have to disappoint you: the photographic social network works differently from its closest "relative" (Facebook), as it does not allow you to insert links in published posts.

The only thing Instagram allows you to do is post links in Stories, but only to users who have them at least 10.000 followers. If you want more information on how to unlock this feature, I encourage you to read the deepening in which I explain how to put links in Instagram stories. I am sure this reading will also be useful to you.

Insert a YouTube link on Facebook

How to post a link on Facebook

You want to share a link to a video taken from on Facebook YouTube? To do this, you simply need to copy the link to the movie of your interest from the YouTube app or its web version, log in to Facebook and paste the link to publish in a post. Below you will find explained how to proceed both from mobile and from computer.

  • Smartphones and tablets - from the YouTube app for Android or iOS, press the button Share and tap on the item Copy link (if the video is not playing, press on three dots present next to its cover and presses on the items Share> Copy link). Then log in to Facebook, tap on the item What are you thinking about?, paste the link e Share the post that contains it by pressing the appropriate buttons (if you have difficulty, review and information in the first chapter of this tutorial).
  • computer - after going to YouTube, locate the video whose link you want to copy, press the button Share and then on the voice Copy present in the box Share a link. Alternatively, you can copy the content of an open video by selecting the URL in the browser address bar, right-clicking on it and selecting the item Copy from the menu that opens. Then log in to Facebook, right click on the item What are you thinking about [your name]?, select the voice Paste from the menu that opens e Share the post by pressing the appropriate button (if you have difficulty doing it, review the information in the second chapter of this tutorial).
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