Lidl's shoe fever

Since it no longer exists on Saturday nights due to the curfew, we can officially decree that this is there Lidl shoe fever. Already yesterday morning, when the sneakers and slippers with the Lidl logo made their appearance in over 660 Italian stores, the public was in raptures. Indeed, we had been waiting for the Lidl Fan Collection for a while, but no one could imagine what would happen. Not only were the shoes and slippers "sold out" in all the stores of the German chain, but a few hours later they reappeared for sale on eBay and on virtual marketplaces at exaggerated prices. A phenomenon that had already occurred in other European countries, and that has already spread on the Net with the necessary memes of the case. But what's so special about these sneakers?

Lidl's shoe fever

Lidl eBay shoes: resale at inflated prices

The phenomenon of Lidl branded clothing and shoes has literally driven Europe crazy. The sneakers first made headlines for the super affordable purchase price - just € 12.99 - and then ended up being sold on eBay in three-figure numbers. At the moment, the most expensive ad on the popular online shopping platform amounts to over € 2000. But if you are willing to buy them now, you may also be able to spend “solo” 1899 €, to which you must also add 10 € shipping.

READ ALSO: Lidl: shoes, socks and other Lidl brand clothing are now available in Italy

Perhaps it can go better with the Lidl slippers, which seem to be on sale on eBay at lower prices (but perhaps only because they are out of season). Apart from some off-market announcements, with a purchase price of € 7000 - and zero bids, of course -, all other prices fluctuate around € 500. Which is roughly the cost of buying a pair of Balenciaga shoes.

Lidl's shoe fever

But it is not only the price of Lidl shoes on eBay that amazes, but also the success of the online auctions. Until now, there have been many users who have managed to buy the shoes of the German brand at prices ranging between 60 and 80 €. But yesterday something really unexpected happened. A pair of sneakers number 37 went on sale around 18pm, and within a few hours they saw the selling price rise exponentially due to offers from three users. At the moment, they are on sale for a whopping € 251, with a price increase of almost 2000%. And if this isn't fever, we don't really know what it is.



Lidl flip flops eBay lidl lidl shoes Lidl's shoe fever
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