As is regularly the case, SFR is again trying to increase the price of its fixed Internet packages to its customers. The increase amounts to 3 euros per month, and gives you a new option which will not be useful to all.
SFR again wants to increase the prices of its Internet packages by 3 euros, as was already the case at the end of last year for RED subscribers. This practice is legal, since the operator informs its customers at least one month before the entry into force of the modification of the package. This is a bad habit that of the country operators regularly take. At the start of the year, Orange had in turn increased the price of its packages without asking the opinion of subscribers.
This time, to pass the pill, the Altice subsidiary "gives you the benefit of a new offer including unlimited calls from your box to all mobile phones in Europe (excluding your metropolitan country) for € 3 more per month ". The problem is that fixed lines are used less and less by customers, and that not everyone necessarily needs to make calls abroad.
To read also - SFR: UFC-Que Choisir denounces a new hidden increase of 3 € per month
You can refuse the increase in the SFR Internet subscription
If you are SFR customers and you are affected by this increase, rest assured, you can refuse it. In fact, in an email or in the letter sent to you by the operator is a link that allows you to keep your current subscription.
As can be seen in the letter below, shared by Cable Review, SFR announces that it is possible to go before your December 2021 invoice to the address "https://www.sfr.com/nouvelleoffre -ftme-sept-2021 / ”to refuse the increase. Once on the page, you will have to click on " Keep my current offer », Then connect to your customer area to follow the procedure.
You therefore have several months to refuse the operator's “offer”, but the new tariff will be effective from September. It is therefore better not to delay to avoid having a bad surprise on your next bill.. For those who decide to accept the offer, there is nothing to do, it will be automatically added to your fixed Internet package. SFR specifies that if you already hold options, they will all be kept.
Source : CableReview
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